

1. amnesty

Welcome to our blog that focuses on human rights issues of both children and parents. There are huge amount of children that have been either estranged from their families or suffer due to issues like child labor. We would like to come up with important educational articles that take care of the rights of those children and their families. So let’s start and the contribution of the readers would be well appreciated.

Equal parenting is an issue that is being discussed by wide array of people around the world. There are a number of organizations working towards this issue to get the best possible solution for those families that are struck by this unprecedented situation. It is important to have a federalist approach and stop any kind of child abuse. You may need to get involved in some extra-jurisdictional affairs but we need to get rid of this social problem to save the humanity.

Finally for the people, who question this, should take a second and think about the families affected by this problem. Along with all the other activities of daily life it is important to save the mankind and take some steps to help the poor and the affected ones.


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December 2, 2015

Posted In: Amnesty

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